Мы немного изменили элементы на странице с фильмом таким образом, чтобы кинолюбителям было максимально удобно найти всю необходимую информацию о фильме, посмотреть его онлайн, скачать или использовать другой многочисленный функционал нашего сайта. Основное нововведение - плеер для онлайн просмотра расположен вверху страницы.
Теперь возможности меню "Избранное" пополнились новым разделом "Интересы", который открывает новые широкие уникальные возможности и непременно порадует любого киномана.
Май 2020 года. Сидящим на карантине губернаторше, учёному, бывшей модели и стримеру приходят ящики-головоломки с приглашениями от их общего друга, технологического миллиардера Майлза Брона, посетить особняк на частном греческом острове и принять участие в игре с загадкой «убийства» хозяина вечеринки. Аналогичную посылку получает и мающийся от безделья частный детектив Бенуа Блан и с энтузиазмом принимает приглашение. Прибывшая в Грецию разношёрстная компания удивлена и не особо рада появлению Энди Бранд — бывшей деловой партнёрши Майлза, у которой он отсудил компанию. Напряжение нарастает, когда в процессе вечеринки происходит настоящее убийство.
Еще целый год ждать...долго блин.Зачем то засунули в фильм этого монстра Батисту? ему с такой внешностью туши свинные на рынке рубить,а не в кино сниматься.
Замечательный фильм – это в равной степени остроумно и юморнО, забавно и драматично. Определённо не менее очарователен, обаятелен и привлекателен, как первый фильм 2019-го. Будем ждать третьей части в 2024-м!
Вы можете кричать здесь что угодно, А плёнку я давно потратил всю.
Второй фильм уступает только номером и тем, что первая часть была оригинальной, а это всегда давит на сиквелы, которые обязаны добавлять больше начинки. Мне в общем и целом понравилось.
еурtv пишет:
P.S. в последнем бонде из Дэниела Крейга сделали посмешище, а тут вообще ниже плинтуса опустили, сделав его дырявым..
Ага-ага-ага, "посмешищем сделали". Он давно по гей-барам ходит и целуется с геями, но просто старается не впускать никого в свою бисексуальную частную жизнь, даже соцстраниц не клепает. А посмешищем его только вы делаете бросая в сторону уважаемого человека грязные эвфимизмы.
Визуально, по качеству съемки, актерского ансамбля, музыка, сюжет - вот это все - на уровне первой. С другой стороны, сценарий прописан, имхо, то ли сыро, то ли небрежно, хотя в общем-то какая разница, как он прописан, концовка дуратская. Итого: 7,2. Сценарий и атмосфера уступают первой части.
Кстати, зашел на YT реакции англоязычных пользователей почитать, будет полезно сравнить с каквсегдарусскоязычными:
tm_xo 1 день назад I got to see this movie while it was in theaters and the audience was always on their feet. I can’t believe this movie is as good as it is.
icecube 1 день назад I loved Ethan Hawke's role in this 😂.
Ivy Hnin 1 день назад Just finished the movie!!! While I enjoyed the twists and turns of the first movie better, this was still really entertaining and well written nonetheless. Not to mention all the cameos!! Hugh Grant made me do a double take 💀💀
Mad Titan 1 день назад (изменено) It’s hard to describe the way Rian Johnson movies like this feel like, it’s absolutely well directed but u don’t feel the usual prestige movie vibe from this(not in a derogatory way), it’s just…so fucking fun and brilliant
Just A Regular Person 1 день назад I just watched this movie, ive been waiting for this for like a year and ive been counting down the days. I got to say, not as good as the first one, but still pretty epical.
Amy Marckel 1 день назад (изменено) I love that To Love Somebody (great song) was played prominently in one of the scenes, and that Greg was singing along. 👍🏼
Francis W 8 часов назад The overall mystery wasn’t as strong as the first one but the performances and cinematography were incredible if not better. Janelle performed her ass off 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
MavenCree 21 час назад The pandemic thing may have been for the cameos... Angela Lansbury (she was playing Among Us), This was her last role, and Stephen Sondheim both are gone now so this would've had to take place earlier. Plus, Blanc was having cabin fever and dying for a case. Plus, there was an election going on so it was either 2020 or now (and it can't be now... dead cameos.)
TomD 1 день назад (изменено) The beautiful parallel between this movie and the prequel is the ending where the main victim saves the life of the person closest to them. The prop knife and the Journal.
Edit- This movie actually was full of parallels to the first one for another example the burning of the evidence. I'm sure if you rewatch the 1st one you'll find tons more.
JackTheOven 1 день назад after watching this for a second time today i think i might actually prefer it to the first one now
ImSoAwesomeFace 22 часа назад Part of why it’s set during the pandemic is for Miles to own the Mona Lisa
SIR_PINCH_A_LOT 9 часов назад (изменено) Who else thinks Ethan Hawke should get an Oscar for his role in this movie?
ReelPodcasts 1 день назад I'm so happy I got to see this in a packed house in theaters this year. The audience absolutely made it that much better. I can't wait to watch it again to notice all of the background stuff and just how fair Rian played it.
TomD 1 день назад I loved the Prequel. I liked the sequel.
Nash Sanadiki 1 день назад Haven’t seen ed as a bad guy since Italian Job 😂
doobz salam 1 день назад I like how the ending part with all of the art being destroyed mirrored the disruption speech. you disrupt small things (the glass art) but a true disrupter destroys the thing nobody else will (The Mona Lisa)
B-Dad 8504 1 день назад The first is really the better movie. But this is still a good watch and fun time.
Tharuka Epaarachchi 19 минут назад I loved the first movie and the mystery was better and unpredictable than in Glass Onion. Still I had fun with this movie. Cannot wait till the 3rd.
J S 1 день назад Seeing this in the theater was such an amazing time. The energy of the crowd was so high.
Milzz 1 день назад I saw the movie in theaters and I enjoyed every second of it. I can't wait to see more Benoit Blanc mysteries
Nameless101 1 день назад Man i want them to make more knives out. The setups and pay offs are really good. The movie also does a good job making you guessing what's the answer
Thales 1 день назад (изменено) I think the pandemic tell us too who the characters are, Birdie was throwing a party and using a mask with holes in it, Duke didn't care about masks and huging, Claire pretended to care when answering the door and Lionel who isn't a bad person was using a mask... Idk, maybe i'm just thinking too much hahah
Stale 1 день назад Just finished this movie and was fucken stocked to jump onto YouTube and see you guys have posted a reaction.
I don’t know how, but Rian Johnson has done it again. He has truly made the Whodunit genre his own, and has somehow reinvented it twice over. Excited to see what mysteries lie in the future for Benoit Blanc.
Great reaction, keep up the good work!! <3
R W 1 день назад Greg: “What’s she running for?” John (absolutely straight-faced): “Mayor of Westview” GOLD 😂 😂 😂
Jon James 1 день назад (изменено) Bruh…I saw this in theaters during its limited release and enjoyed it. The one thing I kept on returning to and saying under my breathe every time the Jesus mural appeared in a scene was, “Is that Kanye West?” And now, after watching your reaction, I can definitely confirm that it is indeed Kanye West. Genius. 😂😂😂😂
Siddhant Pandey 1 день назад The first thing that popped into my mind the moment Helen revealed that the journal protected her was Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and the line from Drake.
lumenardens 1 день назад omg I just realized he called her Helen before she was shot in the first scene when we don‘t know yet that she‘s still alive - totally went over my head
Huff Snuffleupagus 13 часов назад LOVED this movie!! It had me hooked from the beginning, especially with how Rian treated the pandemic. He didn't bog us down/retraumatize us, but you could see their personalities right off the bat from how they were all reacting to it, down to the masks (or lack thereof) they wore. It was so smart.
Edward 1 день назад Oh my god I just finished watching this on Netflix and I turned on YouTube to see this. Can life be any better?
Ash Menon 1 день назад A great sequel and well worth a watch!
Daniel S 13 часов назад Fun fact: The guy who gives the clue to Birdie's assistant about the music playing is Yo-Yo Ma, a very well known celloist. In fact, he's well known for playing the cello for the score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000).
Rowdy Jr 1 день назад Today's my birthday, reject nation! 🎉 Blessings to everyone who reads this and just know that 2023 will bring joy to your life 👊💯
Alfred Meneses 1 день назад (изменено) So glad I got to see this movie while it was in theaters. I didn’t think it had the charm of the first and I thought the social commentary was a little too heavy handed, but I still enjoyed the twists and turns and the stellar cast. It’s one of those rare sequels that really stands on its own merits and doesn’t have to ride on the coat tails of the first. My personal standout performances were Janelle Monae, Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, and of course Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc. Just like he successfully reinvented James Bond, he has created the perfect modern Holmes and Poirot and I can’t wait to see what more we get of Blanc.
The film rookie 11 часов назад I really enjoyed the kinetic energy of this movie. I also like how it doesn’t take itself too seriously, considering the genre the film is in. Allowing for a more refreshing experience.
Unforeseeable 2.0 1 день назад We actually saw this in theaters this Thanksgiving. While the story is not as interesting as the first one, it’s visuals and directing are on par.
Sara Kochan 7 часов назад What I read on IMDB and found super interesting: “Ethan Hawke’s cameo wasn’t planned in advance, but Hawke happened to be nearby in Budapest shooting Moon Knight and came to Greece for a day to shoot his scene.”
David H Lee 11 часов назад it's a worth a rewatch for extra hints and clues. it's so well done
Kath Demitry 6 часов назад (изменено) I just watched it and it was soooo goooood!!! I really thought Kathryn Hahn would be the one who got the gun and put something on Dave's drink.
Also, the cats at the back just casually walking, love them. For a second I thought it was just one cat.
GJC 1 день назад Fun fact- Edward Norton and Chris Evans- Who play Ransom and Miles- Are both introduced second in the trailer after Daniel Craig, and they both end up being the killers!
The Nerdy Wave 1 день назад This was a great sequel and it was a good watch in theaters
Taryn Wilson 22 часа назад I got to see this in theaters during the limited run and I loved it and the theater was packed and everyone had a great time!!
haoxiang hu 1 день назад I just watched this wonderful movie.The story and the actors' performances were very good.I like it very much!!!
xShineyxDiverx 8 часов назад I absolutely loved the ending. "The Disruptors" showing they can do something but not ACTUALLY disrupt anything if it gets to a certain point. Fucking brilliant.
Louis Berry 15 часов назад Liked the first one more but still a entertaining, funny, And Worthy Sequel. Love seeing more of Blanc And Janelle is amazing. Enjoy the twists and turns of the first one and it keep me more engaged throughout but still enjoyed it and excited for Knives Out 3.
Aline Gosselin 22 часа назад I had a chance to see this in theaters during Thanksgiving weekend when it was plain and just a small handful of theaters. I enjoyed it. My favorite is the first one. It was so smart and so unexpected. This one is very much a typical murder mystery. The other one lead you to believe the mystery was over and that's what was so genius about it. But nonetheless I still enjoyed this movie. Blanc is so awesome!!!!!
I did not figure out how it was done however I always had a feeling about miles
Roger Gregory 7 часов назад Janelle Monae and Daniel Craig were the standouts. Janelle was also amazing in Hidden Figures as well. This was more tongue in cheek than Knives Out, which made it more entertaining.
Edward Sanchez Productions Edward Sanchez Productions 1 день назад I am very curious to see how well this movie will do on Netflix
Michael Randle 18 часов назад In the beginning I genuinely did not think I’d like it but ended up being one of my favorite movies this year. Janelle monae was fantastic
Kath Demitry 7 часов назад (изменено) I just watched it and it was soooo goooood!!! I really thought Kathryn Hahn would be the one who got the gun and put something on Dave's drink.
Also, the cats at the back just casually walking, love them. For a second I thought it was just one cat.
GJC 1 день назад Fun fact- Edward Norton and Chris Evans- Who play Ransom and Miles- Are both introduced second in the trailer after Daniel Craig, and they both end up being the killers!
The Nerdy Wave 1 день назад This was a great sequel and it was a good watch in theaters
Taryn Wilson 22 часа назад I got to see this in theaters during the limited run and I loved it and the theater was packed and everyone had a great time!!
haoxiang hu 1 день назад I just watched this wonderful movie.The story and the actors' performances were very good.I like it very much!!!
xShineyxDiverx 9 часов назад I absolutely loved the ending. "The Disruptors" showing they can do something but not ACTUALLY disrupt anything if it gets to a certain point. Fucking brilliant.
Louis Berry 15 часов назад Liked the first one more but still a entertaining, funny, And Worthy Sequel. Love seeing more of Blanc And Janelle is amazing. Enjoy the twists and turns of the first one and it keep me more engaged throughout but still enjoyed it and excited for Knives Out 3.
Aline Gosselin 22 часа назад I had a chance to see this in theaters during Thanksgiving weekend when it was plain and just a small handful of theaters. I enjoyed it. My favorite is the first one. It was so smart and so unexpected. This one is very much a typical murder mystery. The other one lead you to believe the mystery was over and that's what was so genius about it. But nonetheless I still enjoyed this movie. Blanc is so awesome!!!!!
I did not figure out how it was done however I always had a feeling about miles
Roger Gregory 8 часов назад Janelle Monae and Daniel Craig were the standouts. Janelle was also amazing in Hidden Figures as well. This was more tongue in cheek than Knives Out, which made it more entertaining.
Edward Sanchez Productions 1 день назад I am very curious to see how well this movie will do on Netflix
Michael Randle 19 часов назад In the beginning I genuinely did not think I’d like it but ended up being one of my favorite movies this year. Janelle monae was fantastic
Aranya Mukherjee 1 день назад I watched this film and I also think there's just something that I can't express that doesn't make me love this as much as the first one. Maybe the first one was new & fresh while in the second, I had expectations. I like this a lot but yeah the first one's still was more delicious in a way.
Forever Adams 23 часа назад I just finished watching the movie and I loved it, watching it again with you guys I see all the clues that point out the ending it's so good.
Mohammed Patel 22 часа назад (изменено) If you look at the official posters for both Knives Out and Glass Onion, you realise that the second actor listed after Daniel Craig is the main antagonist of the films and the last actor listed is the one who dies. Also the third actor is the main protagonist aside from Benoit Blanc.
MavenCree 22 часа назад (изменено) Didja catch the Joseph Gordon Levitt cameo in this one? Same as the last one really... .....He's the voice of the Hourly Dong 😆 In the script, it was Gong, but Norton said Dong by accident in one take and Rian loved it and so they changed it and went with that.
Bakes 1 день назад Loved this movie got the chance to see it in the theaters a couple weeks ago they had it in movie theaters for one week and now it’s on Netflix time to rewatch with the rejects
ChrisTuckerexpress 1 день назад (изменено) Cats in the background. Cute!
H W 1 день назад I really enjoyed it. It was fun. I was thinking how great it would have been if they had Brad Pitt play the Derol Character. Would have been a fun easter egg for Fight Club fans
misst1078 6 часов назад I was ready to see this in theaters. But it is 9 degrees and I am more than happy to sit and watch to at home. It was a brilliant movie. I didn't see any of this coming.
Brandy Anderson 23 часа назад I like the, possibly unintentional, call back to Edward Norton's character in The Italian Job never having an original plan. NOICE
Dm Wellington 17 часов назад (изменено) I can definitely see why this movie was nominated it was good 👍💗I love this
Sleepy Durgen 9 часов назад Something I didn't notice my first time watching until this was when Blanc met 'Andi' on the steps when the lights were out he calls the name Helen.
Aimee Kessell 6 часов назад As a big classical musician fan, my favorite cameo was Yo-Yo Ma. As soon as he popped up when the fugue was playing, I nearly squealed.
Natehatetrain 1 день назад THANK YOU!!! I literally just watched a few hours ago and couldn’t find any reactions then boom you guys 🙏❤️
The Random Bits 7 часов назад during the first hour, there were just random dialogues from each character that it makes no sense....then here comes the second half of the movie and those dialogues makes sense now...great story telling....i hope they will make more of this because it's kinda of fun..especially the murder solving part...the casts were great...Dave Bautista is really good in this...he is getting better and better and hoping to see him in other movie projects he is in....
Jens 2 часа назад I laughed hysterically at Daniel Craig sitting in his bath playing among us on his i-Pad
SpartanOmega23 15 часов назад The Mona Lisa pose she makes at the end was such a perfect final scene
Pendragon 2601 8 часов назад I’ve only just noticed that when they met on the steps before she got shot, blanc called her Helen instead of Andie or Cassandra!
Rebecca 18 часов назад Honestly the sequels never tend to be as good as the firsts but this one actually surprised me!!!
Metalhead 420 10 часов назад I actually caught it the first time watching that duke has his glass on the table and miles walks over and hands his to duke while everyone is watching birdie
Pearl Universe 17 часов назад I LOVED this movie so much!
Ahmad Ali 21 час назад Man I loved this movie, after sleeping on it and yeah I def think this is better than the first one even tho the first one is still amazing
Sokka 17 часов назад Saw this in theaters. Loved every minute of it
Anthony Pugh 1 день назад The murderer was a little too obvious but the twist was a lot of fun, I hope there's a 3rd movie!
AJ Bitch 17 часов назад I like the first one better (maybe bcoz I saw it in a cinema) but this is a very worthy sequel nonetheless!!
SmellsLikeTeenZebra 1 день назад If you pause at the right moment when everyone's running around in the dark before And I gets shot. For a split second you can see the gun in edward Norton's hand as he's turning around (it's when he's telling for andi and she's hiding around the other side of the wall).
Loycross 1 день назад I love how Ryan took the convetional blonde beatutiful and not so bright woman trope, and was able to both use it in a way that was terribly funny (with some really well chosen real life racist jokes and bits taken to the extreme) and turn it inside out as well (with the girl in a bikini top that's presented with the "oops...! Sorry feminists" phrase that actually seems to have her own goals and uses her charm to climb her way up a bunch of powerful idiots)
Luis Longo 19 часов назад Saw this last month when it was in theaters and thought it was much better than the first film.
ThatOneGuy 20 часов назад For me, this is on the same level as the first movie; both have their own things that make it a unique murder mystery, and I could watch both easily
Ambrosia Lyra 16 часов назад Hi Kitty😻😻. I love seeing Daniel Craig in this role. Also, is Hugh Grant his partner?? I literally screamed the first time I watched it.😸
Precious 4 часа назад It's like how everyone compares Nope and Get Out. Like yes they are from the same place but they are both great on their own. Knives Out and Glass Onion are both phenomenal movies
Sneaky Shadow 1 день назад Just watched the movie. Although I do prefer the first one, I still very much enjoyed Glass Onion.
Jens 3 часа назад Just watched it. Enjoyed it a lot but the first one surprised me more by how good it was and it was just the better film overall I think. Still great film.
Dante F 15 часов назад Kate Hudson, Janelle Monáe, and Madelyn Cline about killed these roles! And Edward Norton, Daniel Craig, and Kathry Hahn did too as usual.
JayPierlis 1 день назад great movie. i was on the edge of my seat, yelling and all when i watched it. i do still like the first one more but i think its more of a testimony to how good the first one was than a critique of this one. i give it a 8.9/10 while the first was more of a 9.5/10
ImnotAljeff 1 день назад this movie is just so fucking incredible. holy shit.
Clint McHughs 21 час назад I literally just watched this and thought it was the senator chick because there is a quick moment where she bumps into Bautista and I thought that was the moment she poisoned him and took the gun. I was wrong lol but loved the movie
Est A 20 часов назад It's so much better on second watch, the way Miles look horrified when Andi stepped off the dock lol
Keith Redacted 10 часов назад I LOVED this movie. For me, the first movie was okay but I did not find the story and twists as good as it was with how others took it. But this movie filled me with so much enjoyment and tension, I love it.
столько звёзд, и такой мрак. начало было многообещающим. но к концу фильма всё скатилось в дешёвый ширпотреб. а акцент на моне лизе вообще превратил этот фильм в бестолковое ничто. с первым даже нет смысла сравнивать..
Нормально, смотреть можно. Даже фемко-блм повесточка, в виде белого ублюдка, и черной героини, почти не напрягает. Но есть одно важное замечание - не нужно вдумываться и пытаться понять все детали, лучше выпить пивка перед просмотром, или смотреть перед сном в полудреме... 😌
Восторг ! Восторг до визга и кипятка по всей комнате, от просмотра. Все актеры показали именно тот уровень лицедейства, которое и зовется талантом. Чего только стоит, старина и мэтр Хью Грант, с его - "Кушать подано!" И всегда брутальный Итан Хоук, в роли какого то ли боя, то ли гарсона. Бенефис Нортона с Крейгом - выше всяких похвал. Наслаждение каждым словом, каждым жестом. Детектив вышел весьма интересным, история оказалась, хоть и обычной, но, зато сама подача, вызывает восхищение. Ну, а роль Энди - это вишенка на шоколадном торте. Язык не поворачивается назвать ее негритянкой. Скорее - обворожительная африканка. Такая же прекрасная и великая, как и сама Африка. Это современное воплощение, царицы Нефертити. Благодарен сайту, за отличное настроение и прекрасное кино.
Начало мне показалось слегка сумбурным - сразу большое количество пресонажей. Но потом, перемолов первые 10 мин, все встало на рельсы увлекательного ироничного детектива. Смешные герои, стеб от Бенуа над "загадками" и "играми", сарказм на предмет жизни нуворишей - очень правильный оказался микс. Больше все же комедия, чем детектив. Превый фильм был устроен наоборот.
Беззаботно веселый и тщательно запутанный в пересекающихся временных рамках детективчик. Райан Джонсон собрал еще одну продуманную интригу убийства, на этот раз в явно более высокотехнологичной обстановке на греческом острове и вращающейся вокруг миллиардера, страдающего манией величия, который несет более чем мимолетное сходство с неким утомительным макиавеллиевским шутником, которого мы все знаем.
В роли искусного детектива Бенуа Блана Дэниел Крейг нашел свою вторую франшизу в изнеженной роли, далекой от лихого Бонда. Остальные актеры отлично проводят время, играя различные архетипы, особенно Эдвард Нортон.
Отдельно за что хочется поставить большой плюс этой части - это обворажительный женский состав, настоящие красотки. Минусы перечислять не буду. Они везде есть.
Отличное кино ! Бонд еще отлично держится, все остальные тоже хорошо играли ! Давненько не видел в фильмах Кейт Хадсон). Фильм заслуживает просмотра и даже повторного !
Ой ж как круто! Шедевр! Гениальщина! Дайте мне ещё эпитетов сейчас же!! пиииисец прост, - снова умная сильная афАмерка нагнула тупого богатого никчёмного средних лет гетеросексуального белого, а наш незабвенный бОнд в этот раз превратился в достойного гомосексуалиста, серьёзно!? Я вот только не понимал при чём тут живопись и отрекламировали порш мерс и то по разку, где интеграция, где основной баблос, особенно если учесть уставших на вторые роли? А тут дошло: Алиса даже зашазамить не смогла, а вот Великий и Ужасный ГуууГл могёт всёооо))!! Интереснозёво ещё кой чё - выход кинца и переорганизация неГугла прост совпадение или совпадение!? Ох, чуть не забыл: и создавать альтернативную энергию конечно ж зло - и нефть и газ ведь беда ж только каких нить евроазатов)! С наступающим НГ! ЗЫ в третьей хочу Хью Гранта поближе и побольше - для максимального хайпа)) >0)
Просто невыносимая тягомотина! Может быть, нужно было напустить киноцензоров с ножницами - они вмиг обкарнали бы все художества. Да и вообще, сюжетец отстойный, предсказуемый и необязательный к просмотру. Все актеры явно пожалели, участвуя в этом.
Ой ж как круто! Шедевр! Гениальщина! Дайте мне ещё эпитетов сейчас же!!
А можно скрыть косвенные спойлеры и лишнюю казуистскую информацию, приятель??? Хотелось бы с собственными догадками побыть. И писали просто, что фильм хорош. Откудува такие эпитеты пафосные: "Шедевр! Гениальщина!"? По отзывам я понял, что фильм достоен просмотра, а не обязателен.
Количество утомительной болтовни на каждую минуту экранного времени зашкаливает, весь сюжет можно было уместить максимум в 1,5 часа, если бы не вся эта словесная шелуха.
Не соглашусь с жанром.По мне это детектив-комедия.Однозначно что 1 что 2 части достойны просмотра,просто люди ощущение что не понимают что они скачивают и чего ждут от фильма.По началу смотрится не очень из-за "повестки" и пафоса негритянки.В дальнейшем её поведение становится объяснимо и оказывается "повестка" тут не при чём.Игра актёров 10/10.
Забавный фильмец, он даже не сколько детектив, сколько обличает и разоблачает всю нелепость современного мира. Глупые люди, тырящие идеи, помешанные на популярности в соц сетях и псевдо искусстве. Особенно посмеялся с того, как они высмеяли всю эту ковидную эпопею))) И чернокожая девушка, как бы намекая, несет добро/правду (привет Нетфликс хаха). Дениел Крейг великолепен в этом образе с его шутеечками и глуповатым (но умным) амплуа. Если рассматривать данный фильм в качестве комедии, то вышло неплохо, хотя и очень просто (рассчитано на попкорнового зрителя видимо - опять же, Нетфликс). Да, очень уж просто. Но развлекательно. С первым фильмом и сравнивать нечего - первый явно лучше, и детектив там был, а в этом не было. Первый пересмотрю пожалуй, этот второй точно не буду. Пустоватый, посмотрел и забыл. Точнее - посмотрел, поржал, хорошо провел вечер, и забыл - следующий) Посмотреть конечно стоит, расслабляет) ПС жаль, что не все могут посмотреть в оригинале, потому что акцент и то, как разговаривает Крейг это просто шедевр))) да и то, что сестре пришлось учить говорить с акцентом более привилегированным её сестры, тоже интересная деталь. В озвучке по-любому такого не передать.
Смена жанра? Неожиданно... Первая часть была добротным "британским" детективом, теперь это социальная сатира с детективной "вишенкой на тортике"... Крейг в роли Бланка по-прежнему великолепен... 9 из 10...
Почемуто очень скептически относился перед просмотром, думал будет очередной банальный пафосный детектив, но оказалось что фильм прикольный и интригующий и держит внимание. 4 из 5
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